First Hike of 2023 and overcoming yet another obstacle

Let me start out with telling you that six weeks prior to this hike, I was out taking my normal 4 mile “after work” walk and starting feeling pressure in my chest. This was eerily similar to the feeling I was having before my bypass. I gave it a few days (dumb on my part) hoping it would go away or I was overthinking it. Well, sad to say that was not the case and I called my cardiologist who immediately got me in for an appointment.

I told him the symptoms I was having and scheduled an appointment for a stress/echocardiogram for a few weeks later. The stress/echo looked good but I was still having symptoms. So.. back to the Cath Lab for another angiogram. They found the culprit and put a stent in my Ramus Intermedius artery. I immediately felt better and after two days I was back at work.

I had my follow up appointment a few days later with my cardiologist. I want to be honest about my feelings while I write about this situation. It was a huge kick in the nuts! I felt defeated, depressed, pissed, confused. I broke down in the doctors office. I am not afraid to say it. I cried. I was scared but again got the assurance I was ok and can get on with my life. My first question after my breakdown was “can I get back to hiking?” Well you can look below for the answer.

Galehead Hut. Stopped for a quick break before reaching the summit of Galehead Mountain.

The wooded summit of Galehead. 4024’

Kyle and Rocky on the summit of Galehead.


Cannon Mountain


Completed 12 of the NH48 in 2022